Friday, January 17, 2014

Fun Friday--"For Men...Lol"

It's Fun Friday again!  Thank you for checking out my segment of "Jus Sayn".

"For Men...Lol"

Still looking for the corners?  lol....Jus Sayn!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

"It's Okay"

Welcome back to "Jus Sayn"....I'm glad you visited today's segment.  Please visit my other posted blogs if you haven't yet and tactful comments are always welcomed.  Enjoy your day and the blogs :)  Be Safe!

  "It's Okay"
By Dionna Ophelia

In hind sight, when I look back on the potholes in life I've hit head-on and hurdles that caught me up, I say to myself, "It's okay."  Those mishaps weren't meant to discourage but rather to draw from it some lesson of value.  Yeah, I can casually say that now being that I understand in between progress there will be periods of lessons to learn.

Even the sun doesn't always chase the rain away,
Make the best of lessons believing it's okay!
                                         Jus Sayn!!! 

Monday, January 13, 2014

"Humble Pie"

I'd like to thank you for joining in on today's segment of "Jus Sayn".

"Humble Pie"
by Dionna Ophelia
     Sure enough I've had my share of moments putting my foot in my mouth, especially when in rare form and boy was it a humbling experience.  So humbling it helped me to be mindful of what I utter and the importance of holding my peace.  If it's meant to be the right time and opportunity will present itself for one to speak. 

Amiss to confrontations since pettiness is not my forte.....yet I do speak when spoken to if I feel the need to say.  At times they say be the bigger guy.....try flipping things on the other side.....So go on and swallow that pride.....along with some of that humble pie.             Jus Sayn!!!  

Thursday, January 9, 2014

"Point of view"

Hello and welcome to Thursday's segment of Jus Sayn!

"Point of view"
by Dionna Ophelia
Have you ever witnessed or engaged in a conversation where a difference of opinions still brought forth relevance to the subject?  The combination of points of views can reflect insight from one to another even if not in agreement.  School also encourages us to retain open minds for the embracing of other's experiences and views to enhance awareness.  We can all learn from each other as knowledge is accrued.....respecting the expressions of others and their point of view.     Jus Sayn!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Place

Hello.  Thank you for joining another segment of Jus Sayn!

"A  Place"
By:  Dionna Ophelia (copywritten & published)
Looking for a place of peace
somewhere for the mind to be at ease.
To put thoughts in perspective
when handling life's objectives.
A place where you can turn
To cast your deep concern.
When things feel like it's a waste
It's then I need to be alone to find a place.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Time for Love

Greetings and welcome to Jus Sayn in this new year.

   As a youth I used to always hear adults comment on how hectic their day to day schedules are.  Recalling wise ones saying you have to take the time out for yourself and those that you care for, if not the cares of everyday life will steal away precious time and memories.  The cares of this world will always remain; however, our time together won't.

(Photo by We Heart It)
Another day on the run in a hurry to get things done
Don't forget to give a hug to take the time and share your love!
                                                      Jus Sayn!!!  By:Dionna Ophelia