Monday, November 4, 2013


Welcome to Monday's "Jus Sayn".  Today's topic at hand is about change.  

By Dionna Ophelia

      Always curious to know what the next fortune cookie is going to say, I unfolded the little paper and it read 'Embrace change, don't battle it'.  Those words have echoed constantly for over a year now.....and so many changes have occurred since then.....some good, others unfortunate and changes that is-what-it-is.  In my logical thinking I believe that the only reason I hesitate to embrace change may be fear of the unknown....notice I said 'hesitate'.  I may not have the answers; however, I refuse to live a life being stagnant afraid of change and at least I'm still in the game.   

     As I look back, I'm proud of many changes in my personal life and as well as others around me. I was speaking to my room-mate and his wife weeks ago about the seasons of change in our lives. Change is a beautiful thing even when facing uncertainty......Jus Sayn!!!    

                                                          (image by search quotes)