Thursday, October 10, 2013

"The Call"

Welcome back to Thursday's segment of Jus Sayn up close and personal.
'The Call'
By Dionna Ophelia

     O.K. I was just sharing with someone of how I've been dreaming heavily lately.  Every time I close my eyes I'm dreaming.  What's ironic about last night into early morning, I was in a deep solid sleep....then so vividly I heard a man's voice call my name.  So sound that I woke right up and sat up looking at my door way to answer....Adjusting my vision I saw no one standing there.  Laying back down I began thinking of the vivid door knocks I used to hear that also awoke me.  The door was it's the call.  Jus Sayn!!!

"The Knock"
By Dionna Ophelia (copywritten & published)
Awaken by a knock as I rose out of bed
"Who is it?"  I asked but no reply instead.
I headed back to my room irritated inside
Did I dream this or did someone knock and hide?
Giving it no more thought as many months went by
One night again came the knock, I took a deep sigh.
No one is at the door, is this a reoccurring dream?
I know I'm not hearing things it's too real it seems.
As I laid in silence with no intentions for sleep
Then arose in my heart a voice started to speak.
"It is I that knocked, for your prayers were in need
How faithful is thy Servant when you don't water your seed?"
"For there is work to be done and on many I will call
those who don't answer will be the ones to fall!"

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