Friday, August 30, 2013

"A Writer's Impact"

It's Friday again!  Thank you for joining in on another segment of Jus Sayn!  (*Note:  Monday is a  holiday and Jus Sayn will resume Tuesday)  Do enjoy your extended weekend and be safe :)

" A Writer's Impact"
By Dionna Ophelia

     I remember as a youth receiving a diary with a key.  In boring spells I would pick it up daring to write anything very personal.  Who were they fooling?  You'll never stumble across it to read what I wasn't ready to disclose.  I didn't even know I had a voice and certainly didn't know how to begin expressing thoughts, questions and longings that were shut up in my bones.

     It was in Middle school that we had to write a poem in our English class.  I'll never forget it.....the teacher, the school and my very first poem.  The teacher was so impressed that she forwarded it into a poetry contest and won.  I was then invited to a Writer's Conference at a local University.  Little did I know, it was then that my passion was introducing itself to me.  Clueless that that season would change the course of my life.  I continued writing poems which perpetually became a diary of poems.

     My mother would coordinate special events and would summons me to do readings.  I was very timid about sharing pieces of my poetic diary with people who thought they knew me well and with strangers. Because people didn't know the depths of where those words came from.  Did it even make sense to them?  Or was it just entertaining?  Request for copies began coming.  My mother taught me early on to copyright my work before releasing anything publicly as others invited me to do readings.

     As time went on, so did the writings.  I started hearing my voice within and my writings gradually became more and more seasoned.  Now at a level of comfort to intensely engage with an audience with stunning feedback,  I'll share this Gift of writing in hopes of a Divine impact....Jus Sayn!!!

"I Wrote This"
By Dionna Ophelia (copywritten & published)
To my audience:
I wrote this from my tears which has fallen a thousand times
from diverse emotions and a daily renewed mind.
I wrote this from abuse by others and myself
for healing from within as well as my health.
I wrote this as a Gift...for I could find nothing greater
However, I do not write this without the hand of the Creator!

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