Monday, August 19, 2013


Good morning and welcome back to this week's segment of Jus Sayn!!!

By Dionna Ophelia

     A year or so ago my 6yr old son and I were headed to Norfolk for church.  I had been watching B. Courtney McBath ministries via T.V for a couple of months and felt compelled to start visiting.  This was cool, after service we could stop at ODU and visit my daughter too.

     On this particular Sunday, I handed my son a couple of dollars for himself and for church.  As we made our way to children's church, I signed him in and started for the Sanctuary.  Now service has ended and my son and I were exiting the building.  "Come on son, let's hurry", I said as we swiftly made our way over to the crosswalk where the Officer had traffic stopped so church goers could safely cross the street.

     Once we were on the sidewalk, with excitement, my son begins to tell me about children's church, what he learned and things they did.  Then I asked him did he remember to give an offering?  While digging in his pocket he began pulling the money out showing me that he still had all of it.  Curiously, looking at him I said, "You didn't give Jesus a dollar?"  Then he lifted up both his hands with each to his side and marveled, "I didn't see him in there!"  "OHHH Lord!"  hysterically laughing was all I could do......A moment in time I will never forget. Lol......Jus Sayn!!!

My daughter & son (3/2013)

"God's Love"
By Dionna Ophelia (copywritten & published)
The love that is bonded in me
Is greater than any man conceives.
Sometimes I'm even astounded
But I thank God that I found it.
It's a great treasure to own
Personally sent from Heaven's throne.
And I'll let it expand as it will
Spreading it to allow others to feel......God's Love!

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